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Bridgerton Season 3 Review Colins Makeup Was A Tragedy

Bridgerton Season 3 Review: Colin's Makeup Was a Tragedy

Spoiler Alert: My Brief Thoughts on Season 3

As a huge fan of the Bridgerton series, I eagerly awaited the release of season 3. While I generally enjoyed the season, there was one glaring issue that I couldn't ignore: Colin's makeup.

It's no secret that makeup plays a vital role in period dramas like Bridgerton. It helps to create the appropriate aesthetic and enhance the characters' physical appearance. However, in Colin's case, the makeup department seemed to have done him a major disservice.

A Muddy Complexion

Throughout the season, Colin's face appeared perpetually muddy and unkempt. The foundation shade was too dark and didn't match his skin tone, resulting in an unnatural and distracting appearance. Additionally, the bronzer was applied heavily, giving him an unflattering orange hue.

I understand that the intent may have been to make Colin look rugged and travel-worn, but the execution fell short. Instead, he looked more like he had rolled around in the dirt than embarked on a journey.

Unflattering Eyebrows

Another major misstep was the styling of Colin's eyebrows. They were thick, bushy, and unkempt, giving him a somewhat unkempt and disheveled appearance. This choice clashed with his otherwise refined and stylish look.

Overall Disappointment

Overall, Colin's makeup in season 3 was a major disappointment. It detracted from his character and made it difficult to take him seriously as a romantic lead. I hope that the makeup department will take note of the criticism and improve the situation in future seasons.
