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Animals That Have Passed The Mirror Test

Animals That Have Passed the Mirror Test

What is the Mirror Test?

The mirror test is a behavioral test used to determine whether an animal has a sense of self-awareness. The test involves placing an animal in front of a mirror and observing its behavior. If the animal recognizes its own reflection, it is said to have passed the mirror test.

Which Animals Have Passed the Mirror Test?

The following animals have passed the mirror test:

  • Humans
  • Great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, and gorillas)
  • Dolphins
  • Killer whales
  • Elephants
  • Magpies
  • Pigeons
  • Fish

Significance of the Mirror Test

The mirror test is a significant tool for understanding animal cognition. It provides evidence that some animals are capable of self-awareness, a trait that was previously thought to be unique to humans.
